Registered 100% Boer Goats
The goat project at Wagester Farm is a family affair. We strive to raise quality goats that are healthy and hardy for ABGA breeding stock and 4-H/FFA projects. They are built with proven National Champion genetics. We select for strong maternal instinct and productivity as well as good conformation. Anyone who purchases a goat from our farm can be assured that they are taking home a sound, quality animal.
For Sale (last updated 9/17/2023)
Upcoming Sale: October 14, 2023 With our youngest off to college this fall, we are significantly reducing our herd numbers. We have five excellent breeding age does (2 yearlings, 3 proven and covered 2-year-olds) in the Midwest Madness Boer Goat Production Sale in Manhattan, KS, on October 14, 2023, at the Riley County Fairgrounds. The sale catalog is online at goatpromotor.com.
On Farm Sales Most breeding age does are priced $900 to $1350. Doe kids range from $450-$900. Buck kids start at $500, with ABGA show prospects starting at $1250. For questions, please contact Jennifer at jwagester@wagester.net or call/text 517-526-1152.
We moved our farm to Colorado in 2016...
and enjoy living on the front range with beautiful views of Pikes Peak and the Rocky Mountains. Our website is always in update status. You can see more photos of our herd at Jennifer's facebook page: www.facebook.com/jennifer.wagester. We typically kid 10-15 adult does each year.
Some of our Current and Past Boer Goat Does
C S B D450 "Texas"

"Texas" (10646327) at four years old is going strong. We brought her home as a doe kid from Circle Star Boers. She is out of AABG NBD Stardom and a Windy Acres Strategic Power daughter. Texas has a lovely, sculpted head with tons of breed character. She also is an excellent dam. Full Pedigree
JGW Wagester's Violet

Violet (10739265) is a February 2017 doe kid out of Texas and Rum Runner. She is a robust doe with a perfect head and horn set. We really love her width and natural muscling and she's in our show string.Full Pedigree
JGW Wagester's Texas Rose

Rose (10774324) is our pick of the 2018 AI doe kids out of the 2017 Senior Buck National Reserve Champion, RM 1515 "Chewie". She is ultra feminine, with a fabulous deep body and big top. Pictured at two years old with some growing to do. Full Pedigree
S G R Polar's Lady Godiva

Lady Godiva (10559258) is a 2011 doe out of Polar Express and a Bo Jangle daughter. She is a powerhouse and won the 3+ year fullblood doe class at the National Western Stock Show in January 2017. While aging, she's producing well and is a great example of a well-built doe. Full Pedigree
TAB4 Ripple's Image

Ripple (10693797) is a super solid female who shows off the topline of her sire, SGG Next Dimension, the 2011 National Reserve Champion Junior Fullblood Buck. She's pictured at 6 years old and shows no evidence of slowing down. Full Pedigree
TAB4 Next Dimension's Charm

Charm (10693799) is a full sister to Ripple. She is long, with tons of bone and the classic style that Ripper does and FSE genetics are known for. We love that she also has a sweet disposition and is an excellent dam. Full Pedigree
SAKB Merlot

Merlot (10732935) is a September 2016 doe kid out of SAKB SAK Patriot's Legend and 2BBT Star of the Ball. With our does aging, she's an excellent addition to our herd. She has a super long, level body and elegant neck extension. Full Pedigree
JGW Wagester's Lemon Drop

Lemon Drop (10686309) is a Rum Runner kid out of Catch the Wind. You could park a plane on this doe's wide, level topline. She combines tremendous body capacity with a well muscled frame that carries on to her offspring. Full Pedigree
JGW Wagester's Lila

Lila (10739267) is Lemon Drop's doe kid out of Wagester's Sloe Gin Fizz. She inherited the wide, level topline that her family line is known for. Lila is a smooth, well-muscled doe, and we look forward her contributions to our breeding program. Full Pedigree
SL Pine Tree Isabell

Isabell (10651902) excels in length and is out of AABG NBD All Dolled Up and a Cat in the Hat son. She is our most feminine doe and exhibits an elegant neck extension and long body. Her doe kid, Ivy, is a carbon copy and we look forward to pairing these lovely does with our more rugged genetics. Full Pedigree
JGW Wagester's Ivy

Ivy (10739264) is Isabell's daugther out of Rum Runner. She combines her sire's spring of rib and width with her mom's beautiful long profile to make a lovely stout doe. She just keeps getting better as she ages and we love the kids she is producing. Full Pedigree
JGW Wagester's Cara

Cara (10646327) is a long-bodied doe with a strong top out of LFC Clarie and Rum Runner. She exhibits beautiful conformation with solid muscling, bone, and a great deal of capacity. Her sweet temper and old genetic appeal make her a joy to have in the herd. Full Pedigree
Show Me Boers Admirable

Pictured as a yearling. Admirable (10646338) is a son of Show Me Boers Triple E and Windy Acres Blush. His pedigree runs deep in width, size, and bone, which shows through in his kids. In Admirable's first kid crop, we had a national show prospect and several worthy of the ABGA show ring.
Show Me Boers Admirable

We brought Admirable into our breeding program to add bone and width. His broad front end and heavily muscled rear do not disappoint and we look forward to watching this guy grow to his full potential.Full Pedigree
Show Me Boers Triple E

Owned by Curtis Teague, bred by Wess & Lori Peterson, 10702394. When we saw Triple E at the 2016 ABGA National Show, his size, mass, and width came through the online video stream loud and clear. It's fantastic to see his traits in the next generation of our herd.
C S B Rum Runner

8 months old, about 165 pounds. Rum Runner (10646338) is a son of C S B The Whiskey Bandit, who placed third in his yearling class at nationals in 2014 and has earned over 100 show points. Whisky's sire is 2Dox Luger "Ennobled", the 2009 National Grand Champion Buck, and his dam is Circle Star Boers Sweet Pea "Ennobled", the 2010 National Reserve Champion Yearling Fullblood Doe.
C S B Rum Runner

Rum Runner has an easy going temperment and was an ABGA Overall Grand Champion Buck at 19 months. He outsized everyone in his class and was considered just about perfect by the judges. Rum Runner exhibits heavy bone mass and muscling while maintaining structural correctness (1/1 teat structure, perfect bite, full pigment, strong pasterns, etc.). His width is paired with tight, well-formed shoulders.
C S B Rum Runner

This is Rum Runner at 4 years old with 41 ABGA show points. He was a dream to own, and we are thrilled that he is now improving a new herd in southeran Colorado. His daugthers make up a majority of our herd, and we are grateful for the size, muscling, and broad toplines that he passed on to his offspring.Full Pedigree
CR Boers Outrageous

We added this AABG Outlandish son (10763839) to our 2018 breeding season to contribute length to our herd. He is all about the loin, with a big top and balanced neck extension. We expect him to make market goats that give our local 4-Hers a competitive edge. Outrageous is currently owned by our neighbors in Kiowa, CO. Full Pedigree
ADVBG Dura Max

At 9 months of age, Dura Max (10595195) won Overall Grand Champion Buck! He exhibits structural correctness (1/1 teat structure, perfect bite, full pigment, etc.), gorgeous neck extension, and breed characteristic head. The Reymeyer family successfully showed him to ennoblement in 2017 before he passed away in 2018. Full Pedigree
RM 1515 "Chewie"

Owned by the Stovalls, bred by Roger McSwain, 10688584. Technology has allowed us to introduce National Champion genetics into our herd. The results are show correct kids with tons of potential. Our 2018 AI Chewie kids are young, but the does we held back have lovely neck extensions, well-structured bodies, and gorgeous heads. Full Pedigree